
Posts Tagged ‘elena kagan’

to continue in my recent tradition of unfinished thoughts digsuised as blog posts (sorry babies but you were just too cute for me to intelligently and clearly explain why a yurt birth in namibia is so much more appealing to me than the drugged up hospital scenes of san francisco) i give to you, dear readers, some unfinished complaints.

who the f are you, elena kagan, and why is the only thing i know about you the fact that you are unmarried and childless?

i’ve been following news less than i used to, partly because i’ve been out of town and without computers pretty frequently recently and also because, what with my parents’ tv and cable options staring me in the face every time i walk downstairs, the newspaper isn’t as tempting as it used to be. my own fault. but but but even in the midst of this separation from current events and actual facts i still know that there is a woman out there named elena who omg has no children and wtf decided to embrace a career instead of a husband?!? choices that may have been compelling and new in i dunno the 70s are no longer the salacious news stories the media wants them to be — why are we still supposed to drop everything and discuss them when all i want to discuss is what kagan actually thinks about the law. some pseudo feminist has been quoted as saying that she wishes kagan was a mother, because her current marital status sends the wrong message. well, ms feminist, what message is her childless status sending and also seriously why does it matter so much to you? wouldn’t you rather know where she stands on reproductive rights and gay marriage and other important social issues currently facing the nation that will affect you, as a woman, so much more than whether or not she has kids and a husband?

and i know that if i took the time i would be able to find out exactly where elena kagan stands on all the important issues, and why obama sees her as a good choice for the supreme court, and why i should or should not be excited that this new individual is going to have an effect on my life. what bugs me i guess is that with no effort whatsoever i already know things about this woman that i don’t give a shit about. yeah yeah it’s fuckin fantastic that another woman has been nominated, and of course i know very well that there is a long way to go before women are truly equal to men in the us (not to mention other countries but this is obviously a complaint for another day) but the more we talk about how fabulous it is that there’ll be another woman on the bench the more we undermine the equality this nomination stands for.

so let’s suck it up friends and like or hate her views but please please stop running headlines on her marital choices because holy crap i don’t care.

thank you, for listening.

[ stefanie ]

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